A technique that utilizes circles as a method of applying paint or any medium that one uses. The circles bring out the subject or it can also camouflage the subject. It depends on the viewer's point of view. See www.circlism.com Painting in the method of Circlism which was first discovered by me in 1985. It was used in 1996 in sketches that I made and finally in 2000 was used with oils on masonite.


Monocerotis V838

Friday, June 05, 2015

Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the origin and the invention of Circlism!


of  Circlism!

The 30th Anniversary of the origin and invention of Circlism by Artist: Edward C. Stresino

                     Circlism in its infant stages was an idea that originated from a film during a Biology high-school class involving the process of cell division introducing the topic of mitosis and meiosis.  Mitosis is the process of cell division where the chromosomes in the nucleus of the parent cell duplicate and divide in two identical sets.  This in itself was an inspiration alone to start drawing circles and dividing them.  


Mitosis & Meiosis

     Fast Forward thirty years later:  50 works and Thirty of the works are large 4 feet by 4 feet Masonite boards with what is a dazzling array of oil paintings that touch the human experience with portrayals of fantasy,  reality, and life changing moments.  The works are portrayals of history, space, biology, nature, spiritual and even the inner reaches of my own imagination!

Edward C. Stresino
The Father of Circlism

Space Shuttle

The Questor

A Moment in Time

Galaxy 2


Planet "X"  Mining Town

Justice for All

Firefighter Tribute

Molecular Structure

Urban Dictionary Reference

Baptism of Jesus
Dream, Nightmare, or Reality
Galaxy 3
Warrior Princess

Questor's Labyrinth

King William Street

Encouraged by the love and devotion of his 


Edward C. Stresino  

pursued his interest in art to develop Circlism.  


discovered this technique integrating his 

fascination of science 


art.  I love all the subjects on his art because they 



concepts of nature and philosophical themes of 

ontology. His use 

of bold colors bring his creations to life and 

evokes powerful 


S. Haroutunian 

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Unveiling of my 30th Circlism Painting!

A Moment in Time  

My 30th painting in the size of 4 feet by 4feet on masonite in oils.  

Entitled: A Moment in Time.

          John F. Kennedy definitively encapsulated a moment in history which would help to define an entire generation.  His words were not only meant to inspire,  but to catapult our energies and ingenuity to strive for more!                                                                                                                                                           
           In Kennedy's own words: ..............."We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things,  not because they are easy but because they are hard because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills,  because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept,  one we are unwilling to postpone and one which we intend to win,  and the others,  too."

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

I love the way he has included his art of Circlism in his stories !

        Mr. Stresino is an amazing Artist/author of this

 amazing book. His stories are invigorating and

 well written. I love the way he has included his art

 of Circlism in his stories!  His artwork is amazing 

 it makes my imagination go wild as if I too were in

 the story. I would recommend this great book to


Liliana Martinez 

Teacher Assistant


Warrior Princess

Questor's Labyrinth


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